Meet the Team

  • Alex Rayment

    Church Leader

    Alex is responsible for the spiritual and pastoral needs of the church. He has a passion to see your best mates who don't yet come to church find family and life in all its fullness here. You may recognise Alex from TV's Countdown, he did so badly that his score has gone down in history.

  • Emily Nelson

    Operations Director

    Emily oversees the general management of the church. From HR to Health and Safety, cooking teams at Alpha and keeping a roof over our heads. If you look carefully you may see her rowing in the Mersey in her free time.

  • Jack Ellison

    Worship Pastor

    Jack looks after all the team who provide our sung worship across all our services. He also heads up the creative side of church life here at Penny Lane. He is one of the founding members of 'Spicy Boys' - a Hot Sauce eating lunch club who take Scoville challenges seriously.

  • Isaac Morgans

    Student Pastor

    Isaac looks after our student ministry and equips the team to welcome, lead and care for our university aged members at Penny Lane. He is also a musician and a passionate filmmaker, look him up on IMDB!

  • Rachel Morgan

    Youth Pastor

    Rachel's role is to lead the 11-18s ministry here at Penny Lane. With a great team of volunteers, Rachel runs all kinds of sessions reaching out to the young people of this area. She is also the leader of the Penny Lane Climbing group so meet her at the nearest climbing wall!

  • Laura Rayment

    Kids, Families & Group Leaders Pastor

    Laura spends her time pastoring the kids team of Penny Lane Church, checking in with parents and creating systems that enable our group leaders to thrive. She is also an incredible cook and a passionate (and extremely competitive) board gamer.

  • Hannah Moger

    Community Engagement Lead

    Hannah spearheads our outreach work in Prisons and in Asylum seeker and refugee accommodation. She also organises any outward facing community projects such as Good Market. Be careful chatting to Hannah, she may get you signed up to the next local half marathon!

  • Jennie Ellison

    Kids and Families Pastor

    Jennie helps to facilitate Sunday Kids Programmes, creative family projects and any spectaculars (including Light Party and Nativity!). She is insanely talented and has made many a custom garment for the staff team, see if you can spot them on a Sunday!