
9:00am & 11:00am • Ages 1 - 10

Every Sunday during our services we run kids groups for age ranges 1-4 & 5-10 at the 9am service and 1-3, 4-6 , 7-10 at the 11am service. From fun games and sing-a-longs, to stories and teaching, we have a fabulous team of volunteers who help make sure your child will enjoy their Sunday at Penny Lane!

We have a sensory room available for those who need a different environment and a soundproof pod for parents of under 1’s. The service is audio streamed into both rooms so you don’t miss any of the service.

Play Café

Wednesdays • 10:00 - 11:30 AM

Penny Lane Play Café is a chance for you to bring along your under 4’s and as they play, you can enjoy a cuppa and natter in a safe space.

Sundays • 11AM

If you're a young person between the age of 11 and 17 we would love for you to join us on a Sunday morning! After sung worship we meet together to play some games and chat. It's a great opportunity to ask some of those big faith questions and explore the bible to see what God has in store for us.

Mondays • 4-5PM

Come along to this after school session where we take a more detailed look into what the bible is trying to teach us, whilst enjoying some snacks! As well as taking some time to pray about the week ahead

Thursdays • 6:30-8PM

Bring your mates along to our Thursday hang-out! Join some of our team for an evening of games, challenges, good chats and, as always...snacks!


If you’re passionate about serving at church and helping with our growing kids ministry. Sign up below.